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Demons in Children’s Books? Virginia Candidate Sparks Fury with ‘Demonic’ Literature!



In a shocking turn of events, Jeremy D. Rodden, a pro-LGBT candidate endorsed by the Virginia Democrat Party and running for the House of Delegates in the state’s conservative 90th District, is facing intense scrutiny and concern from concerned parents. The controversy centers around his associations with a satanic after-school group and his authorship of what are described as “demonic” children’s books, as reported by the Daily Wire.

Rodden, who has received strong backing from various leftist groups and individuals, is campaigning on an education-focused platform to unseat the Republican incumbent in the 90th District. However, his involvement with dark and troubling themes in his literature and his association with the After School Satan Club have raised significant alarms among parents, especially those of Catholic faith.

Some of Rodden’s books, including “UnCommon Evil” and “Demonic Household,” have ignited outrage among parents for their disturbing content. Concerned parents argue that these books are wholly inappropriate for children and go beyond what they consider acceptable boundaries for children’s literature.

Moreover, the controversy deepened when Rodden was found to be promoting an After School Satan Club at a local primary school. This development has added fuel to the fire, with parents expressing their profound disapproval of introducing such a group into their children’s educational environment. Many Catholic parents are particularly outraged, as they see it as a direct affront to their religious values and beliefs.

As the story continues to unfold, Jeremy D. Rodden’s campaign is now under intense scrutiny from concerned parents who fear that his associations with the satanic after-school group and the content of his “demonic” children’s books may have a detrimental impact on their children’s well-being and education. This controversy has brought to the forefront the ongoing debate about the role of education and the boundaries of expression in a politically charged environment.

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