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BREAKING: Are We Really Going To FORCE KIDS To Wear Masks Again?



So, there’s this elementary school in a suburb near Washington, D.C. in Maryland, and they’re bringing back masks for some kids because a few of them tested positive for COVID-19. This whole situation is just unbelievable. The letter they posted on social media says it all.

In this viral post by Clay Travis from OutKick, he shares a letter supposedly sent to parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County. It’s about these updated mask requirements for kids, but here’s the kicker: Travis mentioned that it’s for third-graders, even though the school serves kids from pre-kindergarten to second grade. How does that even make sense?

The letter, which is only for parents of kids in one specific classroom, goes on about how three or more individuals tested positive in that class in the past 10 days. And because of that, they’re forcing N95 masks on these little children for the next 10 days. Can you believe it? These kids are going to be suffocating in those masks!

The principal, Rebecca Irwin Kennedy, claims they’re doing this to “prevent further transmission.” Please, give me a break. How much more do they think they can prevent? Kids need to breathe and learn without these constant restrictions.

They’re also sending home rapid test kits and telling parents to watch out for COVID symptoms. It’s like they’re treating every child as a potential disease carrier. This is creating a culture of fear and paranoia among our kids.

Let’s just face the facts: this virus isn’t going away, and we need to learn to live with it. We can’t keep subjecting our children to these never-ending restrictions and masks. It’s time to let kids be kids and stop with the over-the-top measures.

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