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SHOCKING REVELATION: Why Unity Won’t Work In Congress



There’s no shortage of togetherness in Congress. The real issue lies in the fact that these individuals are getting along a bit too swimmingly.


They’re forming close bonds among themselves, cozying up to lobbyists, aligning with banks, engaging with foreign governments, and establishing friendly ties with big businesses. Their rapport with big pharma is especially noteworthy!

The trillion-dollar spending bills aren’t the result of an inability to find common ground. It’s not the absence of bipartisan collaboration that has burdened us with a trillion-dollar debt and perpetual warfare.

Instead, it’s the pursuit of a “middle ground” that has cultivated numerous friendships within the hallowed halls of the Capitol, ultimately leading to rampant corruption. Bipartisan efforts often serve as a smokescreen for insider trading, a practice that enriches these politicians while ordinary Americans continue to grapple with challenges.

So, when I hear the rallying cries for unity, it’s hard not to chuckle. What we truly need at this moment isn’t unity; it’s accountability.

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WHAT!? Did The Air Force Really Ban The Words ‘Mom’ & ‘Dad’????



Matt Gaetz just let this DEI Air Force specialist HAVE IT over banning words like “mom” and dad.”


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Can America Afford To Ignore The Israel-Hamas CRISIS?



There’s a lot to be said about America First, but can we really ignore what’s happening in Israel right now? Maybe not.


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BREAKING: Do These Pro-Palestine Americans Even Know What They’re Talking About?!



It’s tragic that these kids truly don’t understand what they’re protesting. Watch this beauty queen SCHOOL them on the basic facts of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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