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BREAKING: Ted Cruz Reveals How Open Borders Invite Another 9/11



In a recent episode of “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sounded a stark warning about the security of the United States. On the solemn 22nd anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks, Cruz expressed his deep concerns regarding the open southern border policy under the Biden administration. He argued that this policy creates a dangerous vulnerability for the nation.

“We have a vulnerability on our southern border, every month people are coming across who are on the terror watchlist. The numbers dwarf the number of known terrorists who would come in prior to Joe Biden,” Cruz stated.

Cruz went on to emphasize that the open borders policy is not just about illegal immigration. It presents a clear and present danger to national security. He highlighted the fact that Mexican cartels are exploiting this situation to flood the United States with narcotics, adding, “But it’s also an invitation to terrorists.”

In a blunt assessment, Cruz pointed out the alarming implications of this open-door approach to national security. He argued that the next mastermind behind a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 would exploit this vulnerability. “If you’re the next planner of 9/11, it’s obvious where you go. You go to Mexico and you come right across, and Joe Biden and the idiots in his administration will fly you to wherever you want to go in this country and you can carry out your terror attack,” Cruz said.

Former President Donald Trump also paid tribute to the 9/11 attacks, noting that they are etched into the collective memory of Americans. Trump asserted, “We will never forget.” Cruz, however, raised concerns about the future. He argued that the odds of another 9/11-style attack are increasing under the Biden administration, which seems to have forgotten the hard-earned security lessons of the past 22 years.

“And sadly, every day that we have an open border under Joe Biden, the Democrats, the odds of another major attack in this country, major terror attack, go up systematically,” Cruz stated. He warned that the administration’s open-border policy exposes vulnerabilities, whether it’s the potential hijacking of airplanes or the threat of suicide bombers in public places.

In Cruz’s view, the current administration’s open-border approach is leaving the United States vulnerable to global terrorism, and the necessary steps to protect the nation’s security are not being taken. It’s a message that underscores the need for a more comprehensive and effective border security strategy to safeguard the country and its citizens.

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