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Celebrating Compassion and Life: Nebraska’s Ruling on Protecting the Unborn and Minors

This crucial measure prevents minors from undergoing life-altering surgeries while also addressing transgender drug regulations, a significant stride towards protecting vulnerable youth and acknowledging preborn babies’ rights by prohibiting elective abortions beyond 12 weeks.



Nebraska has taken a strong stance in upholding the sanctity of life and safeguarding the well-being of minors. A recent decision by District Court Judge Lori Maret has given a nod of approval to Legislative Bill 574, a vital measure that prevents minors from undergoing gender-altering surgeries like mastectomies and genital procedures. The bill also tasks Dr. Timothy Tesmer, the esteemed appointee of Governor Jim Pillen, to establish regulations pertaining to transgender drugs.

This legislation is a significant step towards protecting the vulnerable, with a few exceptions made to cater to gender-confused teens who are already using unscientific and risky drugs. Moreover, the bill rightly acknowledges the rights of preborn babies, prohibiting elective abortions beyond 12 weeks of gestation.

Judge Maret’s ruling on August 11th also dismissed Planned Parenthood’s medical officer, Dr. Sarah Traxler, from the case, deeming her claim of potential harm as “speculative.” While an appeal is expected, the laws can be enforced as the case unfolds.

Planned Parenthood, joined by the ACLU, had sought to block this legislation, arguing that it violated the state constitution’s single-issue requirement. However, they conceded that the law comprehensively addresses healthcare matters.

Planned Parenthood’s motivation to oppose this law stems from its financial stake in abortion. The court acknowledged that the organization could suffer “direct economic injury” if unable to perform abortions. On the other hand, Dr. Traxler’s argument for standing was not substantiated, as she failed to prove her involvement in performing abortions beyond the 12-week mark.

It’s important to note that while this law won’t completely eradicate abortion in Nebraska, it could spare several hundred innocent lives, as highlighted in the state’s 2021 abortion report.

Governor Pillen lauded the ruling, expressing gratitude for the comprehensive decision. He hailed the measure for its commitment to safeguarding children and preserving the unborn.

Planned Parenthood, on the contrary, found the ruling “infuriating.” Their CEO, Ruth Richardson, labeled it a blow to Nebraskans’ rights, especially those in marginalized communities. While the restrictions remain in place, Planned Parenthood remains determined to support the abortion cause.

Adam Schwend, the Western Regional Director of SBA Pro-Life America, celebrated the decision while emphasizing the ongoing battle for life. The “Let Them Grow Act” is expected to make a substantial impact, saving countless lives by curbing painful abortions beyond 12 weeks. Schwend commended Judge Maret for prioritizing the will of the people over the abortion lobby’s interests.

While the journey for the rights of unborn children and their mothers is far from over, Schwend remains confident that the compassion and wisdom of Nebraskans will prevail.

The origins of this law trace back to a broader six-week abortion ban that faced opposition. A liberal Republican, along with pro-abortion Democrats, halted the legislation. Despite this setback, the spirit of protecting life endures, and we must embrace a future that respects the rights of the unborn.

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