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BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Stark Warning on Big Pharma



In recent interviews, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been sounding the alarm on what he calls the “medical cartel” — a collaboration between Big Pharma, government regulatory agencies, hospitals, and insurance companies. Kennedy argues that this alliance is not only ignoring but potentially causing the surge in chronic diseases in the United States. In this article, we delve into Kennedy’s compelling arguments and the concerning statistics he presents.

The Medical Cartel’s Profitable Web: Kennedy places blame on the medical cartel, asserting that Big Pharma, government regulatory agencies, hospitals (allegedly owned by hedge funds), and insurance agencies are working together to exploit the deteriorating health of Americans. “The sicker we get, the richer they get,” Kennedy declares, highlighting a disturbing trend where these entities benefit financially from the increasing poor health of the population.

Shifting Priorities at the NIH: Kennedy points out a shift in the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) focus from helping Americans prevent and recover from sickness to prioritizing ways to “monetize science for the pharmaceutical industry.” This assertion raises questions about the motivations behind medical research and the impact on public health.

Staggering Statistics: Kennedy backs his claims with alarming statistics. He notes that the percentage of children with chronic diseases has increased tenfold since the 1960s, with a staggering 60 percent of young people now affected. The rise in autism diagnoses is particularly concerning, with rates increasing from one in 10,000 in Kennedy’s generation to one in 34 in his kids’ generation.

Economic Consequences: Chronic diseases are not only affecting the well-being of Americans but also wreaking havoc on the nation’s economy. Kennedy reveals that health care expenses have skyrocketed from 4 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during his uncle’s presidency to a staggering 20 percent today. The economic strain is palpable, with 93 percent of Medicare claims attributed to chronic diseases, surpassing spending on defense by more than threefold.

Mass Poisoning of Children: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Kennedy’s warnings is the mass poisoning of the current generation of children. He identifies 1989 as a crucial year, marking a dramatic increase in neurodevelopmental disorders, autoimmune diseases, and allergic conditions among children. The correlation between the rise in childhood ailments and the proliferation of environmental factors raises questions about the long-term consequences of our society’s choices.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s cautionary words about the medical cartel and its role in the escalating health crisis in the United States urge us to reevaluate our trust in the current healthcare system. The statistics and trends he presents are a call to action for parents, policymakers, and the public to question the motives behind the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies, and healthcare institutions. As we navigate the complexities of modern healthcare, skepticism and informed decision-making may be our most potent tools in safeguarding the well-being of future generations.

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