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Raising Them Right

BREAKING: Biden’s New ‘Pregnant Workers’ Law Hides Disturbing Secret!



The Biden administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has recently raised eyebrows with its proposed rule, which appears to redefine federal pregnancy nondiscrimination protections. According to a letter dated October 10 addressed to EEOC chair Charlotte Burrows, U.S. Representatives Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Mary Miller (R-IL) have expressed their concerns and are calling for changes before finalizing the rule.

This proposed rule is related to the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), a legislation designed to ensure that employers make “reasonable accommodations” for pregnant employees. However, the controversy arises from the inclusion of language in the rule that defines “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions” as encompassing “having or choosing not to have an abortion.”

It’s important to note that the PWFA, as laid out in the letter, does not include abortion in its text. In fact, the lawmakers who enacted it emphasized that it did not impose any requirement to facilitate, assist, or accommodate a decision to abort. In 2022, Catholic Vote warned that if passed, the PWFA could lead to pro-life groups being “sued if they don’t provide their employees special leave to get abortions.” This interpretation is in stark contrast to pro-life and Catholic views, which have typically not been aligned with the EEOC’s stance on protecting workers’ “right” to abortion.

However, what’s even more concerning is the fact that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) supported the PWFA legislation, and the EEOC mentioned this support while introducing the proposed pro-abortion regulations. This partnership between the USCCB and Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, is raising red flags for many conservative parents.

The letter from Reps. Foxx and Miller further highlights the rule’s inclusion of “related medical conditions,” which encompasses “use of birth control, menstruation, infertility and fertility treatments, [and] endometriosis,” among other treatments and conditions. This interpretation stretches the rule’s reach beyond its intended purpose. Congress initially intended the PWFA to address everyday workplace needs of pregnant workers, such as access to water, additional bathroom breaks, or provision of a stool or chair.

The legislators also point out that the PWFA’s text includes provisions for religious liberty protections, granting exemptions for “religious corporations, associations, educational institutions, or societies” with respect to employment. This means that religious organizations should have the right to make employment decisions in alignment with their faith.

Representative Foxx firmly stated, “Nowhere in the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act are there provisions that allow abortions and abortion services to be put in the express lane. The EEOC better stay in its own lane, respect congressional intent, and issue a final rule that’s in direct alignment with statutory text.”

Representative Miller, who is a mother of seven and a grandmother of 20, declared, “The Biden administration is committed to betraying the sanctity of life by pushing policies that undermine the rights of the unborn. I will continue to fight against the Biden administration and the radical abortion industry to protect vulnerable children from the pro-abortion agenda from the Left.”

This situation highlights the ongoing efforts of the federal executive branch under President Joe Biden to make abortion as accessible as possible in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This decision has allowed individual states to enact abortion restrictions, resulting in 15 states banning all or most abortions, with other pro-life laws taking effect across the nation. Available data suggests that these laws could significantly reduce the number of abortions performed each year.

In response, abortion advocates are employing various tactics to preserve access to abortion, including facilitating easy access to abortion pills, providing legal protection and financial support for interstate abortion travel, and attempting to secure “rights” to abortion in state constitutions. They are also constructing new abortion facilities near the borders of pro-life and pro-abortion states, making liberal states sanctuaries for those seeking to evade or violate the laws of pro-life states.

President Biden has made it clear that his administration is committed to protecting reproductive rights and has called on Congress to codify a “right” to abortion in federal law. The 2024 elections will play a pivotal role in determining the future of abortion rights and whether Democrats can maintain the White House and gain enough seats in Congress to make it a reality.

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Raising Them Right

ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Kids Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag



The gay agenda has been after kids and this video of Pete Buttigeig’s husband proves it.


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Raising Them Right

Shocking Realities of Youth Transgender Healthcare – It Is WORSE Than We Thought!



In a shocking revelation, Environmental Progress recently obtained leaked documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), shedding light on the disturbing and sinister reality of youth and adult transgender healthcare. The findings, published by the Daily Caller, uncover a troubling pseudoscience that has infiltrated American children’s lives, surpassing previous expectations.

WPATH’s Influence on Transgender Healthcare:

As the leading organization guiding doctors, hospitals, and clinics on transgender healthcare, WPATH holds significant influence in shaping medical practices for individuals with gender dysphoria. While just three years ago, the transgender craze was perceived as affecting a limited number of confused individuals, the rapid increase in self-identifications, particularly among young girls, has turned it into a widespread societal concern.

The Betrayal of Trust:

At the core of this issue lies the question of whether parents can trust the medical information provided by their doctors. The leaked documents make it abundantly clear that trust in the medical guidance offered by WPATH is misplaced. Shockingly, professionals in the field discussed the necessity of obtaining two authorization letters for the surgical removal of a minor girl’s breasts, dismissing concerns as “gatekeeping.”

Informed Consent and Unproven Science:

The documents reveal a consensus among the world’s top minds in transgender medicine that minors cannot provide informed consent for hormone blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries altering healthy sex organs. This raises concerns about parents lacking the biological knowledge necessary to make informed decisions for their children’s healthcare.

Progressive Activism and Parental Rights:

The attack on parental protections becomes apparent, with progressive activists pushing for policies that separate children from parents who refuse to conform to the “affirmation” model. Parents seeking alternatives may face accusations of abuse, further limiting their ability to make decisions in the best interest of their children.

Misleading Information on Reversibility:

For a significant period, the medical community portrayed hormone blockers and hormonal treatments as reversible or non-permanent solutions. However, the report exposes the falsehood of these claims, revealing lifelong complications such as infertility, lack of orgasm, and an increased risk of developing cancerous masses.

Hidden Dangers of Cross-Sex Hormones:

The WPATH Files detail the dangers of cross-sex hormones, including pelvic inflammatory disease, cardiovascular issues, and even death. Medical professionals recount cases of severe health complications linked to prolonged use of these hormones, highlighting the urgent need for a reassessment of current practices.


The shocking revelations within the WPATH Files showcase the alarming mistreatment of children in the name of transgender healthcare. The medical community’s obligation to “do no harm” is disregarded in this context, prompting a call for government investigations to ensure the safety and well-being of these vulnerable patients. It is essential to bring attention to these issues and work towards reforms that prioritize the health and future of the children affected by these controversial practices.

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Raising Them Right

SHOCKING: What Activists DON’T Want You to Know About Trans Suicide Rates



In a groundbreaking study led by Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, a former advocate for gender-transition treatments, the mainstream narrative regarding the life-saving nature of such interventions for young people has been called into question. Contrary to popular belief, the study, based on health records from Finland’s national database, reveals that gender-transition treatments have no discernible impact on suicide rates among gender-distressed individuals. Instead, the research highlights a correlation between mental illness and suicide.

The Study Design

Dr. Kaltiala’s study analyzed the health records of 2,083 gender-distressed individuals, who sought assistance at gender clinics in Finland at an average age of 18. This group was tracked for approximately 7 years. To provide a comparative context, a control group of 17,000 individuals without gender-related concerns was also examined.

Surprising Findings

The study challenges the widely held belief that gender-transition treatments, including cross-sex hormones or surgeries, are “life-saving” for young people facing gender distress. While 38% of the gender-distressed group underwent such interventions, the suicide rate observed was just 0.3%, only marginally higher than the 0.1% rate in the control group. The study categorizes both rates as “unusual events,” casting doubt on the notion that gender-transition treatments significantly impact suicide prevention.

Questioning Ethical Standards

Dr. Kaltiala criticized the common practice of gender clinics posing questions to parents such as, “Would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?” She labeled this approach as “most unethical” and emphasized that it is not grounded in factual evidence. The study suggests a need for a more nuanced and evidence-based dialogue around gender-transition treatments.

Mental Health Correlation

While the study did not find a direct link between gender-transition treatments and suicide rates, it did unveil a “statistically significant relationship” between a high prevalence of co-occurring mental health difficulties and increased suicide risk. This highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns in conjunction with gender-related issues.

Implications and Contradictions

The research challenges the radical left-wing narrative that has been promulgated by certain medical and LGBTQ groups, claiming that the “science is settled” regarding the life-saving nature of gender-transition treatments. The study’s findings suggest a need for a more nuanced and evidence-based understanding of the complex relationship between gender dysphoria, mental health, and suicide risk.


Dr. Kaltiala’s study presents a significant challenge to the prevailing narrative surrounding gender-transition treatments and their purported life-saving impact on young people. By questioning the ethical standards of communication within gender clinics and highlighting the correlation between mental health difficulties and suicide risk, the research calls for a more informed and balanced approach to discussions on gender-related interventions.

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