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Trump’s Demand for Vaccine Transparency Strikes a Chord: What Are They Hiding?



Lately, I can’t help but feel a mix of concern and frustration as the White House and left-wing media continue to ramp up Covid fear-mongering. It seems like they’re always ready to push for a new round of vaccines, which leaves many of us wondering about the true motives behind these constant pushes.

Former President Trump, someone who has always advocated for transparency and putting the interests of the American people first, is demanding that the pharmaceutical companies responsible for the Covid vaccines release their testing and safety data to the public. And you know what? He’s absolutely right to do so. In an interview with Tudor Dixon, Trump made a clear and rational point: “If they have facts… they should be made public immediately. People should understand that and they should know what [the] research is showing, and what fact-finding is.”

It’s a reasonable request, and one that any concerned parent should support. After all, we’re talking about the health and well-being of our families here. Trump went on to express his suspicion, saying, “If they are going to hold back, that means they’re holding back something that’s not good… they have to release [the safety data].” It’s a sentiment that resonates with many of us who have been questioning the motives and the level of transparency surrounding these vaccines.

The politics surrounding this issue are undeniable. Trump’s call for more data is not only a prudent move but also highlights a stark difference between his approach and that of the current administration. While Trump was an early proponent of the vaccines, he always emphasized that they should never be mandated. In contrast, President Biden took a different route, mandating vaccines and causing a significant rift between him and many GOP voters.

As a mom, I appreciate Trump’s call for transparency and the need to ensure that the American people have access to all the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their families. It’s time we put politics aside and focus on what’s best for our children and our country, and that starts with transparency and accountability from those responsible for our healthcare.

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