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Hate Crime Horror: Leftist Attacker Arrested After Violently Targeting Conservative Group



In a recent incident that unfolded on the streets of Madison, Wisconsin, the true colors of radical leftists were on full display. A woman, seemingly deranged and dressed in a manner that defied societal norms, unleashed a torrent of aggression against members of the conservative student group, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) Student Action.

Video footage of this disturbing incident made its way to YouTube, revealing the alarming intolerance of the left. As members of the TFP student group peacefully held signs opposing the sexualization of children, including messages like “honk against LGBT grooming of children” and “an innocent child is a happy child,” they were met with hostility.

Opponents of the TFP’s message resorted to labeling them as “Nazis,” a tired and baseless accusation often hurled by the left to silence conservative voices. They vehemently denied any connection between LGBT ideology and the sexualization of children, despite compelling evidence to the contrary.

However, what truly sets this incident apart is the violent behavior exhibited by one particular woman, who, instead of engaging in civil discourse, chose to physically assault TFP volunteers while hurling insults at them. In the video, she can be heard shouting, “Hey, guess what? People can be trans. Kids can be trans,” in a misguided attempt to justify her actions. She accused the volunteers of being “crazy” for asserting the biological reality that boys cannot magically become girls, disregarding the scientific consensus.

Further exacerbating the situation, the woman deployed the emotionally charged argument that children would be driven to suicide if not immediately “affirmed” in their gender delusions, a reckless and unverified assertion that has been weaponized by the left to stifle any opposition.

The violence escalated as the angry woman proceeded to slap several TFP volunteers before making a hasty retreat across the street. Fortunately, the TFP volunteers had the presence of mind to call the police, and officers arrived promptly to take a report.

In a surprising turn of events, the Madison police acted decisively and arrested the assailant, charging her with battery and disorderly conduct. Adding an extra layer of seriousness to the charges, a hate crime enhancer was applied, highlighting the gravity of the incident and underscoring the need to protect conservative voices from such unwarranted attacks.

This disturbing episode serves as a stark reminder of the growing intolerance and hostility that conservatives face when expressing their beliefs. It is a clarion call to all conservatives to stand firm in defense of traditional values and to resist the radical left’s attempts to silence and intimidate us through violence and baseless accusations.

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