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WOW! Did Parents Just WIN in California?



In a significant triumph for the preservation of parental authority, a California school district has been compelled to provide a $100,000 settlement to a mother who asserts that her daughter underwent a “social transition” to a boy without her consent or awareness.

Jessica Konen raised allegations against educators within the Spreckels Union School District, asserting that they advised her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, that she hadn’t yet discovered her authentic identity when Alicia exhibited confusion subsequent to joining the school’s “Equity Club” and acquainting herself with “LGBT concepts.”
The school permitted Alicia to utilize the boys’ restroom, addressed her with male pronouns, and provided her with materials on how to conceal her new gender identification from her mother.

As indicated by Jessica’s lawsuit, the school actively endeavored to mislead her by utilizing Alicia’s original name and associated pronouns when Jessica was present, while using the new name and pronouns when she wasn’t around.

Although the school hasn’t formally admitted wrongdoing, the substantial $100,000 settlement stands as a notable achievement for the rights of parents. Mark Trammell, who serves as the executive director for the Center for American Liberty, articulated, “Parents inherently possess the right to partake in consequential determinations regarding the well-being of their children.”

Ultimately, Alicia no longer clings to the belief that she’s a boy. It has transpired that she was merely an 11-year-old grappling with confusion. Can we truly fault her? When impressionable young children are inundated with mature subject matter like the “Equity Club” and “LGBT Concepts,” the outcome will inevitably be shaped as such. Perhaps that’s the intention they harbor?

It’s essential to bear in mind the underlying motivations at play here. Just earlier this week, California Attorney General Rob Bonta initiated a lawsuit against a school district in southern California for stipulating that parents should be informed when a child identifies as transgender.

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