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PARENTAL RIGHTS ON THE LINE? New California Lawsuit Is a Major Red Flag



In a recent and concerning turn of events, the Attorney General of California has initiated legal action against a local school district. This action aims to address a policy that has raised many eyebrows – a policy that mandates teachers to inform parents if their children express a transgender identity or if they choose to use a name or pronoun that differs from the one on their birth certificates while at school. As a concerned conservative mother, I find this to be a completely reasonable request.

Rob Bonta, who serves as California’s Attorney General and is affiliated with the Democratic Party, has filed a lawsuit in the San Bernardino County Superior Court. He argues that the policy, which was approved by the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education in July, could potentially infringe upon the civil rights of LGBTQ students.

Bonta stated, “The policy of revealing this information without students’ consent can put non-conforming students in a vulnerable position, both physically and emotionally. This is especially concerning when they may not have a supportive environment either at school or at home.”

Andi Johnston, the spokesperson for the school district, which serves a student population of approximately 26,000 and is located about 35 miles to the east of Los Angeles, shared that they are actively working with legal experts to carefully evaluate the lawsuit’s claims.

This lawsuit has garnered attention due to its significance as the first of its kind initiated by Bonta. This comes after several school districts in more conservative areas of the largely liberal state adopted similar policies mandating parental notification.

The Chino Valley school board, comprising members like Sonja Shaw, a Republican who vocally supports the policy, gave it the green light last month. Shaw even made appearances on Fox News to emphasize the importance of parents’ involvement in their children’s upbringing.

Under the policy in question, parents would also be informed if their child participated in gender-segregated school sports or utilized facilities that do not align with their biological sex. Additionally, any requests by students to amend their records would trigger communication with parents.

Bonta’s lawsuit asserts that this policy could potentially violate students’ equal protection rights as guaranteed by the California Constitution. He argues that the policy might unfairly discriminate against transgender and gender nonconforming students, subjecting them to differential and unfavorable treatment.

Furthermore, the lawsuit raises concerns that the policy could infringe upon the constitutional right to privacy of the affected students. This is because it compels school officials to share private information against the students’ preferences, a practice that, according to the lawsuit, contradicts existing state anti-discrimination laws.

In summary, the lawsuit is seeking a court injunction to prevent the district from implementing the policy and to assess its legality. As a concerned conservative mother, it’s disheartening to see a policy that could potentially limit parental involvement and awareness about their children’s lives.

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