In a recent episode of “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sounded a stark warning about the security of the United States. On the...
I was thrilled to hear President Donald Trump’s recent campaign speech where he vowed to take a strong stand against what he aptly called “transgender insanity”...
Is anyone else feeling the emotion in this video? 💔 President Trump’s recent speech was filled with love for our amazing country and a sincere worry...
I’m deeply disturbed by the blatant erasure of women and the distortion of biological facts perpetuated by woke actors like Google. It’s truly outrageous that when...
Emails also show that Fauci and others knew about the lab-leak possibility as early as February 2020 but were more concerned about "science and international harmony"...
The lockdowns and mask mandates of the past are trying to make a comeback and mama bears are NOT HAVING IT. Watch this woman SCHOOL the...
In a recent decision out of Maryland, a federal court has ruled against parents seeking to protect their children from LGBTQ+ content in Montgomery County Schools....
Researchers in Israel created living models of human embryos in a lab using stem cells without human eggs or sperm. These models resemble 14-day-old embryos and...
Kelly's reported development of an autoimmune disease after receiving the vaccine should remind us of the importance of informed decision-making.
Lately, I can’t help but feel a mix of concern and frustration as the White House and left-wing media continue to ramp up Covid fear-mongering. It...