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Texas Governor Takes Bold Stand to Prevent Child ‘Gender Mutilation’ – Here’s What You Need to Know!



I want to share the latest developments from the Texas Supreme Court. They have allowed a law to take effect that, in my opinion, aims to protect our children’s well-being. According to the Associated Press, this law prohibits minors from undergoing sex-change medical procedures while a lawsuit is ongoing.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initiated a lawsuit against the state in July, arguing that this law “would ban necessary and life-saving medical care for Texas’s transgender youth” and were promptly granted an injunction. However, the state Supreme Court, in their recent ruling, has decided to keep this legislation in place while the lawsuit proceeds.

In a joint statement, the ACLU and legal advocates for the plaintiffs expressed their concerns, stating, “Transgender youth and their families are forced to confront the start of the school year fearful of what awaits them. But let us be clear: The fight is far from over,” as reported by the AP.

This law, known as Senate Bill 14, was signed into law by our Republican Governor, Greg Abbott, in June. It bars doctors from providing certain medical procedures, including orchiectomy, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty, as well as hormones and puberty blockers, to minors. There is a limited exception for intersex children, according to the legislation. The bill also grants the state attorney general’s office the ability to take legal action if they believe a physician is violating the law.

Governor Abbott emphasized his perspective during the bill signing, stating, “We are now passing a law to ensure that going forward, no child will be victimized by gender mutilation. We should not allow sex organs of children to be cut off. That’s something that cannot be tolerated in this state,” as reported by the Houston Chronicle.

Brian Klosterboer, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Texas, has a different viewpoint. In a press release for the lawsuit, he stated, “The Texas Constitution forbids our state government from overriding the judgment of patients, their families, and their medical providers. S.B. 14 is a textbook example of discrimination since it bans evidence-based medical care for transgender youth while allowing any other young person in Texas to get the same treatment.”

In conclusion, this is a complex issue with passionate arguments on both sides. As a conservative mom, I believe it’s important to prioritize the well-being of all our children while respecting the principles of individual liberty and parental rights. It’s crucial for our society to find a balanced approach that ensures the best possible outcomes for our transgender youth while also addressing the concerns of those who believe in the importance of this new law.

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