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Is Mike Pence Right? His Passionate Speech On Conservatism vs Populism Has Us Thinking



Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a passionate denouncement of Republican populism, urging fellow conservatives to uphold traditional values over the burgeoning movement he likens to left-wing progressivism. Speaking at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College in Manchester, Pence drew a clear distinction between his vision for the Republican Party and that of populists, particularly former President Donald Trump.

In Pence’s eyes, the schism between traditional conservative principles and populism appears insurmountable, leading the GOP to a crossroads:

“I came here to St. Anselm College to convey, from the depths of my heart, that Republican voters are confronted with a pivotal choice in this state and across the nation as primaries unfold. I firmly believe that this choice will shape the destiny of our party and set the course for our nation in the years to come. So, I pose this question to my fellow Republicans today: In the days ahead, will we remain the party of conservatism, or will we heed the seductive allure of unmoored populism, divorced from conservative values? The future of our movement within this party lies with one or the other, not both. This is because the fundamental chasm between these two factions is impassable.”

Pence contends that, while conservatism within the GOP has historically diverged from liberalism in the Democratic Party, populism now poses an internal threat to conservatism. He views populism as the right-wing counterpart to left-wing progressivism, both representing distinct facets of the same ideology.

“These ideologies are akin travelers on the same path towards ruin,” he asserted, drawing parallels to past populist movements within America.

Pence is troubled by populist Republicans’ apparent willingness to forsake long-standing conservative values within the GOP, including their “belief in limited government,” in favor of an agenda primarily centered on personal grievances and performative outrage.

“Republican populists are prepared to abandon American leadership on the world stage, embracing a stance of appeasement in the face of mounting threats to freedom. They would blatantly undermine our constitutional norms,” he emphasized.

He then turned his attention to his former running mate, Trump, who adopted populist themes upon entering the political arena in 2015, as well as other contenders in the primary field whom Pence perceives as disregarding the U.S. Constitution and the pro-life movement:

“A leading candidate for the Republican nomination last year called for the ‘termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,’ while those emulating him in this primary race have displayed a willingness to wield government power to enforce their will on opponents. Even after achieving a historic victory for the sanctity of life, Republican populists would relegate the cause of protecting the unborn to the states, much as, in a different era of our nation’s history, those advocating for a great evil sought to leave that question solely to the States.”

Pence emphasized, “There is already a party that advocates appeasement on the global stage. There is already a party that wishes to disregard our national debt. There is already a party seeking to marginalize the right to life.”

The former vice president and former Indiana governor firmly positions himself as “the most qualified, consistent, and proven conservative in this race” and contends that the path of traditional conservatism “must continue to guide our party and our nation as steadfastly today as it has over the past five decades.”

He issued a sobering warning, concluding, “If the new right-wing populism takes hold and steers our party, the Republican Party we have known for so long will cease to exist, and the future of American freedom will be cast into doubt.”

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