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Catholic Group Takes on ‘LGBT Mass’ – Will Their Faith Land Them in Jail?



A group of twelve dedicated Catholics recently made a stand during World Youth Day in Lisbon, defending the sanctity of our church and the teachings that have guided us for centuries.

On August 3rd, these devout Catholics gathered at the Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation to hold a reparation prayer. Their purpose? To peacefully protest against a controversial “LGBT Mass” that was being conducted within the hallowed walls of the church. These faithful individuals believed that the teachings of the Mass were not aligned with the timeless doctrines of our faith.

However, their protest did not go unnoticed. The police were called, and the group was escorted out of the church. Now, astonishingly, they are facing the possibility of up to a year in prison for disrupting what they believe was an act of worship that strayed from the traditional path.

The protest organizer, Rafael da Silva, spoke with LifeSiteNews, sharing the group’s concerns. “We are facing a criminal investigation,” he revealed. “We are being accused of disrupting a cult action.” The group insists they were unaware that their peaceful demonstration would be deemed a crime.

Da Silva clarified that some media outlets inaccurately portrayed their actions as an “invasion.” In reality, they had been inside the church long before the service commenced. When Father James Alison, an openly homosexual priest, entered the church, the group began praying the Rosary in Latin, expressing their devotion and concerns.

Despite the challenges they now face, da Silva remains steadfast. He believes that the authorities are attempting to discourage the growth of their movement by investigating their activities. He anticipates a fine at most, not incarceration.

Da Silva and his companions are not letting these charges deter them from their mission. He reassures us that they are continuing to live their lives normally and uphold their beliefs.

The controversial “LGBT Mass” was organized as part of a series of events during World Youth Day by the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics and a local Portuguese LGBT group. Father Alison, a prominent pro-homosexual priest, was involved in the event. He has sought the Vatican’s permission to be relieved of his clerical celibacy due to his disagreement with the Church’s teachings on homosexuality.

Da Silva’s motivation to organize the protest stemmed from his deep-rooted faith. He considered the “LGBT Mass” to be blasphemous and felt a duty as a Catholic to stand against it. He believes that those attending such events are not enemies, but rather individuals being manipulated by those with an anti-Christ agenda.

While da Silva doesn’t hold the attendees responsible, he does criticize the priests who led the “LGBT Mass,” accusing them of harboring disdain for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. He emphasizes that such individuals do not represent the true essence of our faith.

In an earnest message to those who promote heterodoxy within the Church, da Silva states, “We’re coming, we are the faithful.” He draws a parallel to historical moments like the Arian crisis, assuring that the true faith will ultimately be restored.

Amid media attention, da Silva humbly expresses that he and his friends never sought fame. Their ultimate desire is to follow the teachings of Christ and ensure that the essence of our faith remains untarnished. Through their “Restore Portugal by Prayer” movement, da Silva and his wife journey across Portugal to pray for specific causes, aiming to bring about positive change through faith.

In a world where our values and beliefs are increasingly challenged, it’s inspiring to see individuals like Rafael da Silva and his companions standing strong in defense of our faith.

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