In 1986, a small Wyoming town was forever changed by an unimaginable tragedy. A deranged man attempted to hold Cokeville Elementary School hostage, threatening the lives...
As we enter a new year, it’s time to prioritize healthier, cleaner living for our families. Between taking care of the kids, keeping up with work,...
4 Things to Get Excited About with a Republican-Controlled White House, Senate, and House! Hey there, fellow conservative mamas! 🌟 I know things can get a...
Former and future First Lady Melania Trump is making waves with a groundbreaking $40 million deal with Amazon to license a documentary about her life. The...
I understand the importance of keeping our homes comfortable and affordable, especially when it comes to providing for our families. But now, the Biden administration is...
The people have spoken, and their message is clear: the safety of our communities and the integrity of our borders are paramount. Texas Land Commissioner Dawn...
Today is election day, and if you’re like me, you’re putting on that patriotic mom hat, thinking about the future of our families, and heading to...
Critical race theory is teaching our kids all the wrong things. This a huge problem.
The United Nations dropped a bombshell in a recent report. This is a huge problem.
Did you know that nearly 1,000 medals in women’s sports have been lost to transgender athletes who are biologically male? Yep, the United Nations dropped that...