In a groundbreaking study led by Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, a former advocate for gender-transition treatments, the mainstream narrative regarding the life-saving nature of such interventions for...
A recent report has highlighted growing concerns among Democrats about President Joe Biden’s use of notecards during closed-door fundraisers and calls with prescreened donors. The worries...
In a recent appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” former daytime TV talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw fearlessly criticized major medical associations for endorsing child...
Welcome to the exciting yet challenging world of motherhood! As a new mom, you’re undoubtedly navigating a myriad of emotions and responsibilities, with one of the...
Hell hath no fury like an outraged conservative mom in Boston! A fellow mom is upset that the city transformed a kids’ community center into an...
In the latest installment of the widely watched Netflix children’s series CoComelon Lane, viewers are introduced to Nico, a young lad adorned in feminine attire, gracefully...
Short answer: yeah. Watch:
In a surprising turn of events, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, accusing the company of misrepresenting the efficacy...
In a surprising turn of events, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, accusing the company of misrepresenting the efficacy...
I find it disheartening to see U.S. companies veering away from the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives they once embraced following the unrest sparked by...